Cover head bandana catalog

A very fresh and happy project

Our "Summer Bandana | Olympian Gods" project on Behance!

This is a special type of clothing that is the cotton tube type scarf worn by athletes, motorcyclists and those who want to have an extra protection from the weather such as wind and sun. The design idea concerns the ancient Greek gods, humorously given in a summer mood, because we mainly want to target tourists. We also try to teach them Greek mythology in a more enjoyable way.

The concept was very interesting and exciting. It started completely experimental and after a few relative drafts, the creation of one after the other proceeded without even thinking. The result came out very good, and the samples were excellent. Our aim was to get away from the clichéd depiction of Greek elements as we see them in all shops that are addressed to tourists, whether they are clothes or souvenirs, and we pointed in another direction, wanting to give a humorous tone, but using only the faces based on sculptures more stylized.

The catalog cover is comicky,given as a collage mainly influenced by the art created by Monty Python in their films.

The result

You can see the full presentation of the catalog in our page on Behance!