Company Data & Bank Accounts

Below you can see information about us & our company bank accounts.

Graphicat's Tax Information

Vasiliki Dimitriou Boumpa
VAT No: EL137252263
Agios Thomas, 32009, Tanagra,Viotia, Greece PO Box 238

Payment methods & IBAN

We make sure to provide you with all payment methods for your convenience
You can pay with cash, via e-banking in the following accounts, or using your debit at your headquarters, because
we have a wireless VIVA POS.

Bank Accounts

National Bank of Greece | IBAN GR7901103500000035063234641

Piraeus Bank | IBAN GR4801721600005160035330742

Viva Wallet | IBAN GR8870100000000719688451634

Or you can always go easy!

You can place the agreed ammount below

Don't forget to note the Invoice No